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Jo is committed to working with consideration, care and creativity in order to support people with disability to live lives that are meaningful to them.

She can do this by providing assistance with

The services listed below will give you an idea of the areas of work Jo has experience in and is able to assist with. 

As well as working with people with disability and their families, Jo is available to work with organisations and services who share a commitment to true and meaningful inclusion for people with disability.

Person-Centred Planning

Person-centered planning can provide an opportunity to look deeper, listen closer and to learn more about your hopes, dreams and concerns for now and the future.

A comprehensive and holistic plan that is meaningful to you and those closest to you can help to clarify your vision and identify a way to bring it to life.

Informal networks and circles of support. 

Informal networks of support are made up of people in freely given relationships who have a shared connection or relationship with a person with disability. Whilst these networks can take many shapes and will often change across our lifetime there is great richness and value in bringing people together. If you have been thinking about a network or circle of support Jo can assist with planning, inviting and facilitating.


It's important to start by having a clear vision, goals and plan for the future, but it takes time and energy to implement them, and often the complexities of life can get in the way, making it harder to achieve the things you wish to. 

 Mentoring can provide the space, encouragement and consistent support to help you keep on track and respond to difficulties and challenges that might arise along the way. 

Succession planning and safeguards. 

In order to ensure people's lives and support arrangements are safeguarded into the future, it's important to pay attention to the many roles and responsibilities, knowledge and information held by the person with disability, their family and those closest to them.

And whilst all of the services and supports listed on this site could come under the umbrella of succession planning and building safeguards, I wanted to specifically mention this service to raise awareness of this important area of planning.  

Reflection and Review

In order to ensure plans and your life are moving in the direction you want it’s important to take the time to review and relect on a regular basis.  

This can include making time for conversations with the key people in your life, your supports and allies.

Develop your support team

Good support can make an invaluable contribution to our day to day lives, and to our ability to achieve our goals and vision.

Recruiting, developing, directing and sustaining support teams can take time and is an ongoing process.

Jo can work with you and your paid supports to build cohesion, confidence and capacity within your team to help ensure that your vision, goals, and needs are at the centre of the work that they do.

Person centered planning
reflection and review
building informal networks
Succession planning
developing your team
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